Lecture 23
Duke University
STA 199 - Spring 2024
Any questions about the project?
My office hours this week: Office hours today 1:30 - 2:30 pm today
Remaining due dates:
Project presentations next Monday in lab – all team members must be present.
Project write-up and final repo due 8 am Wed, April 24 (you get an extra day!) – you will lose access to your repo at this time.
Remaining application exercises due on the usual schedule.
Put any additional time into your project, MUCH HIGHER return on investment than any extra credit I can offer
But… AEs in class on Thursday and next Tuesday will be just you checking in saying you’re here. You’ll get to practice pull, commit, render, push, but no real content needed. So that’s two AEs you can get credit for simply by being here and doing no additional work than pull, commit (a tiny change), render, push during class.
Review peer evaluations left by your peers, implement updates as you see fit, close the issue once you review them.
Have a clear plan for who is doing what, open issues on your repo, and assign them to individuals who can then close the issues as they finish a task.
Schedule at least one team meting between today and your presentation to practice your presentation together.
Any project questions?